The NFB’s downloadable films have been tested and will play on the following operating systems and players: Windows 7: Windows Media 12, QuickTime 7+, iTunes 9+, VLC 1+ Windows Vista: QuickTime 7+, iTunes 9+, VLC 1+ Windows XP: QuickTime 7+, iTunes 9+, VLC 1+ Windows 8: QuickTime 7+, iTunes 9+, […]
What are the system requirements to download a film on
Macintosh hardware: Mac computer with an Intel, PowerPC G5 or G4 processor Intel, PowerPC G5 or 1.0GHz PowerPC G4 or faster processor is required to play standard definition video 0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or faster processor is required to play HD video 512MB of RAM for playing SD video; […]
Do downloads support surround sound?
No, most media players can’t decode 5:1 sound. When it becomes widely available we will update our files accordingly.
Can I watch my downloaded film on my TV? How?
Yes. If your TV or DVD player has a USB port, we suggest saving your downloaded film to a USB key and playing your film that way. You can also connect your computer to your TV via audio and video cables. For audio connections, use a Miniplug-to-RCA stereo audio cable […]
I want to download a film, but your system is telling me that the film isn’t available in my territory.
Our system uses IP Authentication to identify your location. We then verify if we have the rights in your territory for the title you are trying to purchase. If the film isn’t available in your territory, it is simply because we do not have the rights to sell that particular […]
How do I transfer my downloaded films to my portable device?
Your downloads are saved to your browser’s download folder by default. Your media player user manual should contain specific instructions on how to upload the video files onto your portable device (smart phone, tablet etc.).
How long does it take to download a film?
A standard feature-length film could take anywhere between 20 minutes and 3 hours to download. The amount of time it takes to download a film will vary according to the file’s size and your Internet connection speed. A broadband connection is required to make purchases. Also, please note that download […]
Do rentals support surround sound?
No, most media players can’t decode 5:1 sound. When it becomes widely available we will update our files accordingly.
Can I watch my rented film on my TV? How?
Yes. You can connect your computer to your TV via audio and video cables. For audio connections, use a Miniplug-to-RCA stereo audio cable to connect the headphone jack on your computer to the audio input on your TV or stereo (red is for left audio channels and white is for […]
I want to rent a film but your system is telling me that the film isn’t available in my territory.
Our system uses IP Authentication to identify your location. We then verify whether we have the distribution rights in your territory for the title you are trying to purchase. If the film isn’t available in your territory, it is simply because we do not have the rights to distribute that […]