How to transition to our new MARC records

Important: The new MARC record files provide more information than the files that were previously distributed via However, because a change needed to be made to the main identifier of these new files, they are no longer compatible with the former files.

Warning: If you import the new MARC record files into your catalogue software without taking the steps in one of the following options, you will end up with duplicate entries for our productions.

There are two scenarios available to you:

Scenario 1 : Start from scratch

Pro: Quick and simple to execute.
Con: You will lose any custom content, such as notes and comments, you might have attached to your NFB records.


  • In your catalogue software, select all records that were provided by the NFB:
    tag 003 = CaQMNF
  • Delete all these records.
  • You can now import the new MARC record files

Scenario 2 : To keep your notes and comments

Pro: You can keep custom notes and comments.
Con: The process is more involved and depends on the capabilities of your cataloguing software.


  • Import the new record files into your cataloguing software. You will now have duplicate records.
  • Transfer the notes and comments from the old records to the new ones. To help you find and match the records, note that the new records tag 035 contains the identifier of the old records. For example: tag 035 = $a(CaQMNF)532821$z(CaQMNF)53078 means the new MARC identifier 532821 matches the identifier 53078 in the old files, so you can transfer the notes and comments from the old 53078 record to the new 532821 record.
  • Your cataloguing software may include features that allow you to transfer the content from the old record to the new one based on the tag 035. This would make the process a lot simpler.
  • Once you’ve transferred all the notes and comments to the new records, you can delete the old record. You can identify all old records by their provenance (tag 003 = CaQMNF) and the fact that they do not have RDA cataloguing (tag 040 = $erda)

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