To learn how to organize your own community screening, please consult the Community Screenings section of our Public Screenings.
As a librarian, what public screening programs am I able to offer my patrons?
Learn about the NFB’s library programs by visiting our Public Screenings page or the program web pages: NFB IN LIBRARIES and TD SUMMER READING CLUB.
What is the NFB’s AABIZIINGWASHI (WIDE AWAKE) collection?
Find out about our collection of Indigenous-directed films by visiting AABIZIINGWASHI (WIDE AWAKE).
To learn about the NFB’s participation in the annual Rendez-vous de la Francophonie, please visit RVF.
Where else are your films available other than
National Film Board of Canada productions are accessible in every region of the country through Community Screenings, in libraries via programs such as the NFB in Libraries, and at special annual events like the Rendez-Vous de la Francophonie (in French only) or National Canadian Film Day. These screenings can be […]
Privacy notice concerning personal information
All personal information created, collected or retained by the National Film Board of Canada is protected by the Privacy Act. This means that we must inform you of the purposes for which this information is collected and how you can exercise your right of access to this information. If applicable, […]
How do I create my account?
Creating a free account allows you to keep your favourite NFB films in a personal list, to rent or buy films and to manage your newsletter subscriptions. To create an account, simply click on the “Become a member” button at the top of the home page or go […]
How do I confirm my account?
You must confirm your account after creating it, to be able to log in and use it. When you create a account, an email containing a six digit confirmation code is sent to you. This code is valid for 48 hours after the account creation. To confirm your […]
Why does the NFB produce point-of-view films?
As a public producer and distributor, the NFB has a duty to be part of the great social debates of the day. This is why the NFB produces and co-produces creative audiovisual works that reflect a diverse array of Canadian perspectives. The NFB strongly believes that creative expression can play […]
How can federal government organizations order DVDs?
Transactions for orders placed between federal government organizations, departments or ministries must be carried out using the interdepartmental payment system, by supplying an organization code and a reference number (FIS procedure). Please send us your request by completing this form, and be sure to include the following information: The organization […]