How can I watch online NFB films on my TV?

There are several ways to watch NFB films on your TV. You can use the NFB Films app on your smart TV to stream NFB films, or you can stream content from to your TV by connecting your computer or mobile device to the TV.

You can stream films on Apple TV or ROKU. First install the NFB app on your platform of choice, then launch the app to select and watch NFB films!

The mobile NFB app is also available to install on iPhone or Android. To cast NFB films from your mobile device app to your TV, please consult the instructions here.

For mobile users, another method of connecting the NFB app to your TV is to link both devices using AirPlay or Chromecast.

Finally, another way to watch NFB films on your TV is to connect your computer or laptop to your TV using an HMDI cable. Once you’ve navigated on using the internet, you can then stream NFB films from your computer to your TV using this connection.

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