I’m having difficulties streaming a film.

If the player window does not appear on the film page, please update your browser. If you are still unable to see the film player, please contact us. Please let us know if you are trying to watch our films on a school network or via a proxy server. Be sure to let us know the browser you are using as well as its version.

If you can see the player but can’t play the film you wish to view, please check whether you experience the same problem when viewing other films or when viewing the same film at a different resolution. The player should automatically adapt the quality to your connection quality, but you can also choose your own quality level. If you experience this problem with only one film, please contact us with the name of the film and the resolution setting so that our team can investigate further. If you experience this problem with all films, please upgrade your browser and/or try using a different internet browser (Firefox or Chrome). Contact us if these measures do not resolve the problem.

If the film you are trying to watch starts and stops, try selecting a lower resolution for video playback. Using a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi and reducing the traffic on your network (downloading of other files at the same time, etc.) may also improve playback.


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